This is the exciting story of Decisive Dina. A stylish and fashionable pup with a knack for critiquing the latest trends. 

This is the exciting story of Decisive Dina. A stylish and fashionable pup with a knack for critiquing the latest trends. 

Dina was a cute pupper, though she was constantly struggling and fighting with ticks and fleas to protect her silky fur!

Dina v/s Ticks

But Dina wasn't the one who gave up easily! She was about to become the worst nightmare of TICKS!

Dina v/s Ticks

But Dina wasn't the one who gave up easily! She was about to become the worst nightmare of TICKS!

One fine day, while experimenting relentlessly, mixing shampoos and potions together, she accidentally added twice the quantity of chemical X, and created a potion that gave life to her dream of keeping ticks at bay! 

Fate takes a turn

The unfortunate death of Dina's father - Detective Armando, meant HHH Agency did not have a leader at the helm. This led Dina to take over her pawpaw's position and she became the new CEO of HHH Agency.

Fate takes a turn

The unfortunate death of Dina's father - Detective Armando, meant HHH Agency did not have a leader at the helm. This led Dina to take over her pawpaw's position and she became the new CEO of HHH Agency.

Dina's forever dream of being a PAWshion influencer was crushed. The death of her father transformed bubbly, joyous Dina into Decisive Dina ready to take on the world!

Decisive Dina


Short- Tempered

Has a blue Tick on Pawgram

Can do Makeovers in 60 seconds
